Density-independent pixel (dp)
A virtual pixel unit that applications can use in defining their
UI,to express layout dimensions or
position in a density-independent way.The density-independent pixel is equivalent to one physical pixel on a
160 dpi screen,the baseline density
assumed by the platform (as described
later in this document). At run time,
the platform transparently handles any
scaling of the dp units needed,based
on the actual density of the screen in
use. The conversion of dp units to
screen pixels is simple: pixels = dps
* (density / 160). For example,on 240 dpi screen,1 dp would equal 1.5
physical pixels. Using dp units to
define your application’s UI is highly
recommended,as a way of ensuring
proper display of your UI on different
that always be 12px in mdpi and so 18px in hdpi