>当在后台线程(AsyncTask)中完成一个长时间运行的任务(abt 7-8秒)时,我是否应该为持有WakeLock而烦恼? AsyncTask是否已经为我获取了它?
The Alarm Manager holds a cpu wake
lock as long as the alarm receiver’s
onReceive() method is executing. This
guarantees that the phone will not
sleep until you have finished handling
the broadcast. Once onReceive()
returns,the Alarm Manager releases
this wake lock. This means that the
phone will in some cases sleep as soon
as your onReceive() method completes.
If your alarm receiver called
Context.startService(),it is possible
that the phone will sleep before the
requested service is launched. To
prevent this,your BroadcastReceiver
and Service will need to implement a
separate wake lock policy to ensure
that the phone continues running until
the service becomes available.
AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the UI thread. This class allows to perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers.
3.我建议您阅读Power Manager的官方文档,其中介绍了WakeLock概念.