Android上实现了AES / CTR.对于我的目的来说,解密似乎太慢了,128KB的块在仿真器上解密大约需要6秒,而在三星Galaxy硬件上需要2.6秒.
我想知道是否使用NDK构建OpenSSL并调用其方法会更快.有人对这个有经验么?部分我想要相信Cipher(“AES / CTR / NoPadding”)方法只是本机OpenSSL调用的包装器,因为支持Android的Linux操作系统应该安装了libcrypto.如果是这种情况,那么尝试使用NDK只会浪费时间,因为不会出现性能提升.
public class ResourceDecryptor { private static ThreadLocal<Cipher> mCipher; private byte[] mIV = new byte[ 8 ]; private SecretKeySpec mKey; private String mResourcePath; private static final int kAESBlockSize = 16; public ResourceDecryptor( String resourcePath,String decryptionKey ) throws UnsupportedOperationException { // initialization of mKey,mIV,& mResourcePath,elided // store mCipher as a thread local because Cipher.getInstance() is so slow,// ResourceDecryptor is a static object that persists for the app lifetime // so this leak is intentional and ok. mCipher = new ThreadLocal<Cipher>() { protected Cipher initialValue() { try { return Cipher.getInstance( "AES/CTR/NoPadding" ); } catch ( Exception e ) { } return null; } }; } public ByteBuffer read( long offset,int length ) throws GeneralSecurityException,IOException { Cipher cipher; byte[] data,iv; FileInputStream input; int prefix,readLength; input = null; prefix = (int)( offset % kAESBlockSize ); readLength = ( prefix + length + kAESBlockSize - 1 ) / kAESBlockSize * kAESBlockSize; data = new byte[ readLength ]; iv = new byte[ 16 ]; try { input = new FileInputStream( mResourcePath ); input.skip( offset -= prefix ); if ( input.read( data ) != readLength ) throw new IOException( "I/O error: unable to read " + readLength + " bytes from offset " + offset ); System.arraycopy( mIV,iv,8 ); offset /= kAESBlockSize; iv[ 8 ] = (byte)( offset >> 56 & 0xff ); iv[ 9 ] = (byte)( offset >> 48 & 0xff ); iv[ 10 ] = (byte)( offset >> 40 & 0xff ); iv[ 11 ] = (byte)( offset >> 32 & 0xff ); iv[ 12 ] = (byte)( offset >> 24 & 0xff ); iv[ 13 ] = (byte)( offset >> 16 & 0xff ); iv[ 14 ] = (byte)( offset >> 8 & 0xff ); iv[ 15 ] = (byte)( offset & 0xff ); if ( ( cipher = mCipher.get() ) == null ) throw new GeneralSecurityException( "Unable to initialize Cipher( \"AES/CTR/NoPadding\" )" ); cipher.init( Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE,mKey,new IvParameterSpec( iv ) ); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); data = cipher.doFinal( data ); System.out.println( "decryption of " + data.length + " bytes took " + ( ( System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime ) / 1000.0 ) + "s" ); // cipher.doFinal() takes 5.9s on Samsung Galaxy emulator for 128kb block // cipher.doFinal() takes 2.6s on Samsung Galaxy hardware for 128kb block } finally { if ( input != null ) try { input.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { } } // the default order of ByteBuffer is BIG_ENDIAN so it is unnecessary to explicitly set the order() return ByteBuffer.wrap( data,prefix,length ); } }