我想为网页开发一个“添加到联系人”按钮,就像您在网络研讨会和活动页面like this one上看到的“添加到日历 – Google,ICal,Outlook”类型按钮.
我开始构建一个表单,将应用程序/ atom xml提交到他们在the help files here中讨论的URL以及Google on Stack的类似问题.
function SendToGoogle() { var url = "https://www.google.com/m8/Feeds/contacts/default/full"; var data = contactData(); alert(data); /* $.post(url,data,function(data,status){ alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status); }); */ $.ajax({type: "POST",url: url,dataType: "xml",contentType: "application/atom+xml",cache: false,async: true,crossDomain: true,success: function(data,status){ alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status)} }) } //end SendToGoogle function contactData() { return ' Elizabeth Bennet Elizabeth Bennet Notes (206)555-1212 (206)555-1213 Mountain View 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy CA 94043 United States 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View '; } //end contactData @H_502_13@
哦,顺便说一下,当用户谷歌会在我的小网站和你的本地版本上抱怨它不安全时,只需点击高级并继续. (谷歌会这样做,直到你提交你的OAuth,以便他们的团队对最终产品进行验证,但……)
所以在google help docs
Note: For read and write access to users’ contacts,use the People
API,which provides both contact and profile information using JSON
instead of the older GData protocol.
所以这里看起来正确的答案似乎是转到People API.我花了一些时间研究它,并为你粗略回答.
我找到了this example页面,它可以解决你想要的大部分问题.如果您完全遵循它,您将获得一个本地版本,使用javascript连接到他们的api,这允许我们创建联系人.
在得到用户的许可之后,似乎有可能通过常规的http请求直接进行,但我发现使用他们的crazy api setup更快.
我们需要知道如何设置gapi.client.people.people.createContact api调用,它需要一个Person resource.该资源很方便点击,看看我们如何设置人员资源类别.
Try this API
在左侧,我们有请求体,它允许我们将详细信息放入createContacts api请求中.所以如果你输入你的例子:
{ "names": [ { "givenName": "Elizabeth","familyName": "Bennet" } ],"phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "home","value": "(206)555-1212" },{ "type": "cell","value": "(206)555-1213" } ],"addresses": [ { "type": "home","streetAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy","postalCode": "94043","country": "United States","city": "Mountain View","region": "California" } ] }
@H_502_13@在左侧框中,您可以看到它将其输入到右侧的javascript createContacts请求中.
> createContacts代码
> .signIn中的网址({scope:“https://www.googleapis.com/auth/contacts”})该范围基本上告诉api我们想要为用户访问什么.
Meta charset="utf-8" /> required by the API; multiple scopes can be // included,separated by spaces. var SCOPES = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/contacts"; var authorizeButton = document.getElementById('authorize_button'); var signoutButton = document.getElementById('signout_button'); var contactButton = document.getElementById('contact_button'); /** * On load,called to load the auth2 library and API client library. */ function handleClientLoad() { gapi.load('client:auth2',initClient); } /** * Initializes the API client library and sets up sign-in state * listeners. */ function initClient() { gapi.client.init({ apiKey: API_KEY,clientId: CLIENT_ID,discoveryDocs: DISCOVERY_DOCS,scope: SCOPES }).then(function () { // Listen for sign-in state changes. gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.listen(updateSigninStatus); // Handle the initial sign-in state. updateSigninStatus(gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get()); authorizeButton.onclick = handleAuthClick; signoutButton.onclick = handleSignoutClick; contactButton.onclick = handleContactClick; },function(error) { appendPre(JSON.stringify(error,null,2)); }); } /** * Called when the signed in status changes,to update the UI * appropriately. After a sign-in,the API is called. */ function updateSigninStatus(isSignedIn) { if (isSignedIn) { authorizeButton.style.display = 'none'; signoutButton.style.display = 'block'; contactButton.style.display = 'block'; } else { authorizeButton.style.display = 'block'; signoutButton.style.display = 'none'; } } /** * Sign in the user upon button click. */ function handleAuthClick(event) { gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn(); } /** * Sign out the user upon button click. */ function handleSignoutClick(event) { gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signOut(); } /** * Create a contact upon button click. */ function handleContactClick() { gapi.client.people.people.createContact({ "resource": { "names": [ { "givenName": "Elizabeth","familyName": "Bennet" } ],"phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "home","value": "(206)555-1212" .signIn({scope: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/contacts"}) },{ "type": "cell","value": "(206)555-1213" } ],"addresses": [ { "type": "home","region": "California" } ] } }).then(function(response) { // Handle the results here (response.result has the parsed body). console.log("Response",response); },function(err) { console.error("Execute error",err); }); } /** * Append a pre element to the body containing the given message * as its text node. Used to display the results of the API call. * * @param {string} message Text to be placed in pre element. */ function appendPre(message) { var pre = document.getElementById('content'); var textContent = document.createTextNode(message + '\n'); pre.appendChild(textContent); } @H_502_13@
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