我目前在Drupal 6安装上使用统计模块(核心).每次查看节点时,这会增加{node_counter}表中的计数,这是有效的.
我的问题是 – 我可以通过编程方式递增此计数器吗?我希望当用户与从视图创建的内容(例如点击灯箱)进行交互时实现这一点,因此能够使用AJAX更新表格将是理想的选择.
db_query('UPDATE {node_counter} SET daycount = daycount + 1,totalcount = totalcount + 1,timestamp = %d WHERE nid = %d',time(),arg(1)); // If we affected 0 rows,this is the first time viewing the node. if (!db_affected_rows()) { // We must create a new row to store counters for the new node. db_query('INSERT INTO {node_counter} (nid,daycount,totalcount,timestamp) VALUES (%d,1,%d)',arg(1),time()); }
function custom_module_menu() { $items['custom/ajax/%node'] = array( 'title' => 'Update count','page callback' => 'custom_module_update_counter','page arguments' => array(2),'access callback' => array('custom_module_access_control'),); function custom_module_update_counter($node) { db_query('UPDATE {node_counter} SET daycount = daycount + 1,$node->nid); // If we affected 0 rows,this is the first time viewing the node. if (!db_affected_rows()) { // We must create a new row to store counters for the new node. db_query('INSERT INTO {node_counter} (nid,$node->nid,time()); } }
你需要点击url custom / ajax / 2来更新id为2的节点.