Sky = {}; /* url-loading object and a request queue built on top of it */ Sky.Ajax = function (paramObj) {//url,onload,onerror,method,params,contentType) { this.req = null; this.onload = paramObj.onload || function(){}; this.onerror = (paramObj.onerror) ? paramObj.onerror : this.defaultError; this.url = paramObj.url; this.method = paramObj.method; this.params = paramObj.params; this.contentType = paramObj.contentType; this.sendRequest(paramObj.url,paramObj.method,paramObj.params,paramObj.contentType); }; Sky.Ajax.READY_STATE_UNINITIALIZED = 0; Sky.Ajax.READY_STATE_LOADING = 1; Sky.Ajax.READY_STATE_LOADED = 2; Sky.Ajax.READY_STATE_INTERACTIVE = 3; Sky.Ajax.READY_STATE_COMPLETE = 4; Sky.Ajax.prototype.reload = function() { this.sendRequest(this.url,this.method,this.params,this.contentType); }; Sky.Ajax.prototype.sendRequest = function (url,contentType) { method = method || "GET"; if (!contentType && method == "POST") { contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { this.req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { if (window.ActiveXObject) { this.req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } if (this.req) { try { var loader = this; this.req.onreadystatechange = function () {; };,url,true); if (contentType) { this.req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type",contentType); } this.req.send(params); } catch (err) {; } } }; Sky.Ajax.onReadyState = function () { var req = this.req; var ready = req.readyState; if (ready == Sky.Ajax.READY_STATE_COMPLETE) { var httpStatus = req.status; if (httpStatus == 200 || httpStatus == 0) {,req.responseText); } else {; } } }; Sky.Ajax.prototype.defaultError = function () { alert("error fetching data!" + "\n\nreadyState:" + this.req.readyState + "\nstatus: " + this.req.status + "\nheaders: " + this.req.getAllResponseHeaders()); };原文链接: