perl – 如何访问我的Moose角色所应用的模块的元类?

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了perl – 如何访问我的Moose角色所应用的模块的元类?前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。
我正在使用 Moose roles在类中的某些存取方法中应用一些包装器行为.我想将这个角色应用于许多模块,每个模块都有一组不同的属性,我想要包装它们的访问器.有没有办法从角色中访问正在应用的模块的元类?即是这样的:
package My::Foo;
use Moose;
with 'My::Role::X';

has [ qw(attr1 attr2) ] => (
    is => 'rw',# ...

has 'fields' => (
    is => 'bare',isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]',default => sub { [qw(attr1 attr2) ] },);

package My::Role::X;
use Moose::Role;

# this should be a Moose::Meta::Class object
my $target_Meta = '????';

# get Class::MOP::Attribute object out of the Metaclass
my $fields_attr = $target_Meta->find_attribute_by_name('fields');

# extract the value of this attribute - should be a coderef
my $fields_to_modify = $fields_attr->default;

# evaluate the coderef to get the arrayref
$fields_to_modify = &$fields_to_modify if ref $fields_to_modify eq 'CODE';

around $_ => sub {
    # ...
} for @$fields_to_modify;


看起来像 MooseX::Role::Parameterized会做到这一点:

Ordinary roles can require that its consumers have a particular list of method names. Since parameterized roles have direct access to its consumer,you can inspect it and throw errors if the consumer does not meet your needs. 07001



package My::Foo;
use Moose;

my @fields = qw(attr1 attr2);

has \@fields => (
    is => 'rw',default => sub { \@fields },);

with 'My::Role::X' => {};


package My::Role::X;
use MooseX::Role::Parameterized;

role {
    my $p = shift;

    my %args = @_;

    # this should be a Moose::Meta::Class object
    my $target_Meta = $args{consumer};

    # get Class::MOP::Attribute object out of the Metaclass
    my $fields_attr = $target_Meta->find_attribute_by_name('fields');

    # extract the value of this attribute - should be a coderef
    my $fields_to_modify = $fields_attr->default;

    # evaluate the coderef to get the arrayref
    $fields_to_modify = &$fields_to_modify if ref $fields_to_modify eq 'CODE';

    around $_ => sub {
        # ...
    } for @$fields_to_modify;


附录:我发现如果参数化角色使用另一个参数化角色,那么嵌套角色中的$target_Meta实际上将是父角色的元类(isa MooseX :: Role :: Parameterized :: Meta :: Role ::参数化),而不是消费类的元类(isa Moose :: Meta :: Class).为了派生适当的元类,您需要将其显式传递为参数.我已将此作为“最佳实践”模板添加到我的所有参数化角色中:

package MyApp::Role::SomeRole;

use MooseX::Role::Parameterized;

# because we are used by an earlier role,Meta is not actually the Meta of the
# consumer,but of the higher-level parameterized role.
parameter Metaclass => (
    is => 'ro',isa => 'Moose::Meta::Class',required => 1,);

# ... other parameters here...

role {
    my $params = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    # isa a Moose::Meta::Class
    my $Meta = $params->Metaclass;

    # class name of what is consuming us,om nom nom
    my $consumer = $Meta->name;

    # ... code here...

}; # end role
no Moose::Role;


package main;
use My::Foo;
use Moose::Util;

my $foo = My::Foo->new;
Moose::Util::apply_all_roles($foo,MyApp::Role::SomeRole,{ parameter => 'value' });

package MyApp::Role::SomeRole;
use MooseX::Role::Parameterized;
# ... use same code as above (in addendum 1):

role {
    my $Meta = $args{consumer};
    my $consumer = $Meta->name;     # fail! My::Foo does not implement the 'name' method


role {
    my $params = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    # could be a Moose::Meta::Class,or the object consuming us
    my $Meta = $args{consumer};
    $Meta = $Meta->Meta if not $Meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Class');   # <-- important!
